
Monday, 11 February 2013

Tools of the Trade No1

Cronapressman here - I'm down in the workshop today and I thought I'd just take a few minutes out to show you our recommended cutting tool for the Feelsafe/Safezone insert. (In fact it works pretty good on the 'B' and 'CB' insert too.)
Measure and then mark accurately the cutting point, position the snips at 90degree to the insert and voila a quick snip and the jobs done !
Clean cut - accurate too !
Remember my motto ? -  If it looks right it will be right !   If it doesn't - you guessed it - it won't !

So ! What you waiting for ? Get it touch with me at Cronapress and order the right too for the job.
Don't forget - Keep checking the Cronapress Blogspot for more 'Top Tips' too....
Cronapressman - a.k.a - Edward Scissorhands !!!!!!!!! Snip - Snip - Snip.......